Fit Over 50



Restoring Cores

We Help You Reverse the Aging Process Through Pilates, Strength Training, & Movement 






Do you struggle with simple tasks such as picking up you grandkids, carrying groceries, getting out of bed, etc.? It is never too late to change your body and reverse aging! We coach you through every step to make you look better, feel better, and move more. 

Restoring Cores Helps:

  • Reduce and Alleviate Pain
  • Increase Strength
  • Improve Mobility and Flexibility
  • Improve Confidence, Well-Being and Health
  • Heal Your Body 
  • Reduce the Aging Process
No matter your age or physical level, you are never too old to change your body through movement!

Are You Over 50 and Struggling To Lose Weight?

It’s not easy losing weight after 50. There’s good reason! Changes in hormones, the onset of metabolic syndrome, poor eating habits and lack of movement!  Check out my FREE GUIDE and video on the Ten Top Tips for Weight Loss!



10 Tips on How To Travel Without Neck & Back Pain

Chronic pain is common after 50. Visiting with your doctor to determine that it is not caused by a serious illness is the first step! Research continually gives us evidence that a lack of movement or moving incorrectly causes chronic pain. Download my guide and video on Ways to Offset Pain While Traveling!



10 Flexibility Stretches To Move and Feel Better

Aging does not equate being hunched over, stiff and shuffling your feet as you walk. Flexibility is a component of physical fitness and well-being and requires consistent practice in the form of proper strengthening & stretching exercises. Download your FREE GUIDE and VIDEO on re-gaining  flexibility over 50.



FREE Video Series

Watch My FREE 3-Part Video Series and learn the secret to maintaining your body in peak condition so you can move and feel younger.

Watch Now